Freelance Movie Review: John Cena and Allison Brie’s Action Comedy

Freelance, featuring John Cena and Allison Brie, promised to bring action and comedy to the screen. This review dives into the movie’s plot, performances, comedic elements, action sequences, character depth, and overall entertainment value.

Freelance Movie Review: The Plot

The storyline revolves around Mason, a former Special Forces operative turned reluctant security provider, guarding a journalist during an interview with a ruthless dictator. Drawing inspiration from similar action-comedy films, Freelance pairs up two initially mismatched characters, attempting to build camaraderie through adversity.

Flat Characters and Forced Dynamics

Character Dynamics in Freelance – Despite potential personal conflicts, the characters of Mason and the journalist lack depth, making it challenging to connect with or root for their journeys. The chemistry between Cena and Brie feels forced, hindering the development of their on-screen relationship.

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Humor Misses the Mark

Comedic Elements – The humor in Freelance often falls flat, missing opportunities to engage audiences. Attempts to explore deeper relationships between characters feel contrived and unresolved, leaving the comedic moments lacking in impact.


Quality Varies in Action Sequences

Action Sequences in Freelance – The movie offers a mix of thrilling action scenes and moments marred by poor editing and unconvincing effects. While some sequences are well-executed, others suffer from choppy editing and noticeable green screen usage.

Character Depth Explored – An exception to the flat character portrayal is the President, portrayed by Juan Pablo Rabba. The film presents a multi-dimensional view of the President, eliciting empathy and intrigue through conflicting perceptions of his persona.

Freelance Movie Review Overall Impression

Freelance follows a formulaic pattern, borrowing heavily from similar films without delivering a unique or memorable experience. The movie’s underpromotion may have contributed to differing audience expectations.


Final Verdict: A Familiar Offering

With minimal trailers and advertising, Freelance may not have reached its potential audience. The movie’s lack of innovation and failure to capitalize on the chemistry between its leads led to a relatively unremarkable viewing experience, earning it a grade of C or three stars in my opinion.

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Zack Murdock
Zack Murdock

I'm a dedicated writer, gamer, and anime enthusiast. I've always been fascinated by the immersive storytelling found in gaming, anime, and movies, which led me to pursue a career centered around these passions.
Gaming-wise, I'm captivated by 'God of War,' 'Genshin Impact,' 'Red Dead Redemption,' and 'The Witcher.' In anime, favorites like 'Bleach,' 'Naruto,' 'Jujutsu Kaisen,' and Studio Ghibli films have deeply inspired me. Alongside my gaming and anime love, I'm a designer at a creative agency, merging storytelling with visual artistry.

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