Lord of the Rings Series Lawsuit: Fan Fiction Writer Faces Lawsuit for Self-Published Sequel

In a captivating legal spectacle, Lord of the Rings series lawsuit, Demetrious Polychron, a dedicated fan fiction writer, have collided with the formidable legal fortress of JRR Tolkien’s estate. The catalyst for this clash? Polychron’s audacious release of his literary opus, The Fellowship of the King, in 2022—a work he boldly touted as “the pitch-perfect sequel to The Lord of the Rings.”

The Copyright Quandary: Lord of the Rings Series Lawsuit

In a recent court ruling, the scales of justice tipped decisively in favor of the Tolkien estate, unleashing a barrage of legal ramifications for Polychron. The court’s unambiguous mandate? Cease the distribution of his self-published magnum opus and obliterate all traces of it in both physical and electronic realms.

A Failed Gambit: Polychron’s Counter-Lawsuit


This saga took a surprising twist when, undeterred by the impending legal storm, Polychron attempted to turn the tables. In an unprecedented move, he launched a lawsuit against both the Tolkien estate and Amazon. His audacious claim alleged that the blockbuster TV series “Rings of Power” infringed upon the copyright of his own literary creation. However, the legal stage saw a swift resolution as the judge promptly dismissed Polychron’s case, deeming his own book an unwitting infringer on Amazon’s prequel released in September 2022.

Injunction Imposed: The Fellowship of the King Faces an Abrupt Halt


Undeterred by the setback, the Tolkien Estate retaliated with a separate legal offensive. Filing for an injunction, they sought to curb any further dissemination of The Fellowship of the King. The legal crescendo reached its zenith when Judge Steven V Wilson not only granted the injunction but also deemed Polychron’s lawsuit as frivolous and unreasonably filed. This marked a resounding victory for the Tolkien estate, effectively shackling Polychron from selling his book and any mooted sequels—a collection rumored to number six.

Monetary Reckoning: Legal Fees Awarded

Adding fiscal insult to legal injury, the court ordered Polychron to pay a substantial sum—$134,000 (£106,000) in lawyer’s fees—to both the Tolkien Estate and Amazon in connection with his dismissed lawsuit. Steven Maier, the UK solicitor for the estate, underscored the significance of this financial recompense, stating,

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“This is an important success for the Tolkien Estate, which will not permit unauthorized authors and publishers to monetize JRR Tolkien’s much-loved works in this way.”

Silent Echoes: Polychron’s Unreachable Voice

Despite the unfolding legal drama, Demetrious Polychron remains an elusive figure. The BBC’s attempts to solicit commentary from the embattled author have thus far proven fruitless, leaving the narrative punctuated by silence.

As the ink dries on this chapter of legal wrangling, the world of Middle-earth continues to captivate audiences. Warner Bros has confirmed the imminent arrival of additional Lord of the Rings films, promising a cinematic journey that extends the fantastical tapestry of Tolkien’s creation. Simultaneously, the production wheels are already in motion for the second series of Amazon’s TV show, ensuring that the legacy of The Lord of the Rings saga remains firmly entrenched in the hearts and minds of fans worldwide.


Why was Polychron sued for his fan fiction sequel?

Polychron faced a copyright infringement lawsuit from the estate of JRR Tolkien for his self-published sequel, The Fellowship of the King. The court ruled in favor of the Tolkien estate, leading to an injunction against Polychron’s book.

What prompted Polychron’s counter-lawsuit against the Tolkien estate and Amazon?

In a bold move, Polychron attempted to sue the Tolkien estate and Amazon, alleging that the TV series Rings of Power infringed upon the copyright of his own work. However, his case was swiftly dismissed by the judge.

What financial repercussions did Polychron face?

In addition to the legal setback, Polychron was ordered to pay $134,000 (£106,000) in lawyer’s fees to both the Tolkien Estate and Amazon, further underscoring the severity of the legal repercussions.

Is there hope for Polychron’s future projects?

The imposed permanent injunction prohibits Polychron from selling The Fellowship of the King and any planned sequels. The legal restrictions may pose significant challenges for any future literary endeavors by the author.

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Hannah Davis
Hannah Davis

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