Nakime Demon Slayer: The Mysterious Biwa-Playing Antagonist

In the world of Demon Slayer, where demons roam the land and demon slayers fight to protect humanity, Nakime stands out as one of the most intriguing characters. While not as well-known as some of the series’ main protagonists, Nakime plays a significant role in the Infinity Castle Arc (yet to be animated), making her a vital figure in the narrative. In this article, we will delve into the depths of Nakime’s character, exploring her backstory, personality, and remarkable abilities.

The Biwa-Playing Demon: Nakime Demon Slayer


Nakime, whose full name is not known, is often referred to as the “Biwa Demon” due to her association with the traditional Japanese string instrument, the biwa, which resembles a lute. She first appears in the series during the Entertainment District Arc when Akaza arrives at the Infinity Castle, an otherworldly dimension used by Muzan Kibutsuji as his base of operations. Despite her brief initial appearance, Nakime’s role in the story becomes increasingly important as the series progresses.

Nakime’s Role in the Series

As a demon, Nakime is not only a member of the Twelve Kizuki but also holds the position of Upper Rank Four. Her primary duty in this role is to summon other demons to the Infinity Castle under Muzan Kibutsuji’s command. This castle serves as a central hub for demon activities and gatherings. Nakime’s ability to manipulate the layout and structures within the Infinity Castle plays a pivotal role in the story’s unfolding events.

Personality and Backstory

Nakime’s character is shrouded in mystery, and her personality is often described as cold and enigmatic. She rarely speaks, and when she does, her responses are always direct and straightforward. Despite her lack of emotional expression, Nakime is loyal to Muzan Kibutsuji and obeys his orders without hesitation. Her introverted nature and minimalistic communication style make her a unique and intriguing character in the series.

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Nakime’s past as a human is not explored extensively in the manga or anime, but a fan book provided additional insight into her background. Before her transformation into a demon, she was an amateur biwa musician struggling to make ends meet. Her life took a dark turn when she married a gambling-addicted man who squandered her earnings and savings. On one fateful night, her husband’s gambling addiction led to him gambling away her performance dress just before her scheduled biwa performance.


In a fit of rage, Nakime took a hammer and killed her husband. She then rushed to the stage, trembling from her actions, and played her biwa. To her surprise, the music she produced in her nervous state resonated with the audience, earning her applause and praise. This incident marked the beginning of Nakime’s disturbing habit of committing murders before her performances, with each act of violence followed by an exceptionally well-received biwa performance.

Nakime’s Transformation


Nakime’s life took a fateful turn when she targeted Muzan Kibutsuji as her next victim. However, her attempt to kill him failed, as Muzan revealed his true identity as a demon. Impressed by Nakime’s abilities, Muzan spared her life and offered her the opportunity to become a demon herself. Nakime accepted his offer and began her journey as a member of the Twelve Kizuki.

Abilities and Powers

As an Upper Rank Four demon, Nakime possesses formidable abilities that set her apart from other demons. While she may not engage in combat like some of her fellow Twelve Kizuki members, her powers are undeniably potent.

Blood Demon Techniques:
  1. Fortress Manipulation: Nakime’s most distinctive ability is her control over the Infinity Castle, an otherworldly fortress. By playing her biwa, she can manipulate the layout and structures within the castle, effectively using it as an extension of her own body. She can create entrances and exits at will, making her a formidable opponent for any intruders. However, using this power renders her immobile, making her vulnerable to attack.
  2. Eye Detachment: After becoming Upper Rank Four and receiving more of Muzan’s blood, Nakime gains the ability to create and detach several eyeballs from her body. These detached eyes allow her to spy on others from a considerable distance. Her reconnaissance skills prove invaluable as she successfully locates the positions of Demon Slayer Corps members and even uncovers the hidden mansion of Kagaya Ubuyashiki, a feat that had eluded the highest-ranking members of the Demon Slayer Corps.
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Nakime, the enigmatic Biwa Demon, is a character of great complexity and intrigue in the Demon Slayer series. Her background as a human biwa musician turned demon, her abilities to manipulate the Infinity Castle, and her unique personality make her a compelling antagonist in the story. As the series unfolds, Nakime’s role in Muzan Kibutsuji’s grand plan becomes increasingly significant, and her powers challenge the Demon Slayer Corps in unexpected ways. While Nakime may not be a household name among fans, her presence in the series leaves an indelible mark on the narrative, adding depth and mystery to the world of Demon Slayer.

Nakime Demon Slayer FAQ’s

Who kills Nakime Demon Slayer?

Muzan Kibutsuji kills Nakime while fighting the Hashira and Tanjiro during the Infinity Castle arc.

Why did Muzan kill Nakime Demon Slayer?

He killed Nakime because Yushiro had taken control of her and Muzan could not regain it, pushing him to kill her so that she’s not a hinderance in his fight against the hashira.

Is Nakime the most powerful demon?

Nakime, thought not the strongest, is considered to be among the strongest due to her unique defensive techniques and control over the infinity castle.

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Maaz Zaman
Maaz Zaman

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