Star Wars Jedi Survivor Ninth Sister Fight Guide

Jedi Survivor the Ninth Sister fight is an Inquisitor that was, to begin with, presented in Fallen Arrange. She may be a Dowutin with the capacity to perused minds, the empathic Constrain. In Jedi Survivor, the Ninth Sister returns with a computerized on her right hand since she misplaced her arm amid the beginning battle with Cal Kestis.

Not at all like the primary diversion, Fallen Arrange, which delineated the Ninth Sister as one of the hardest boss battles, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor treats her as a low-level adversary. But with the unused combat trouble framework, tenderfoot players may require offer assistance to calm her down rapidly, which, in that case, they will discover this directly helpful. Here’s how to murder the Ninth Sister with no bother.

How to Defeat the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Ninth Sister Fight


To defeat the Ninth Sister, repel her essential assaults until her Stamina Meter channels and strikes her when she’s defenseless. As for her overwhelming assaults, utilize the drag Drive on her or avoid to the sides when she gleams ruddy. Keep countering her capacities until the Double Position opens, and she gives up.

The Ninth Sister MovesCounter
Basic strikeParry or dodge
Lightsaber projectileParry or dodge
Charged movesPull Force or dodge
Ground smashDouble-jump
Combo finishersDodge (cannot be parried)
Empathic Force (Mind Reading)Cannot be countered
Pull ForceCannot be countered

These Steps to Defeat Jedi Survivor Ninth Sister Fight:

  • Begin the battle by repelling her assaults.
  • Divert her shots by squeezing LB (L1 on PlayStation)
  • Assault as it were when her watch breaks.
  • Press LT (L2 on PlayStation) to hinder her overwhelming assaults.
  • Don’t strike when she’s utilizing her Empathic Constrain.
  • Parry her strikes within the Empathic state, so she can’t anticipate Cal’s moves.
  • Once the Double Position is unlocked, hold Y (Triangle on PlayStation) to defeat her for great.
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Note that the Ninth Sister boss fight has three stages. Within the first phase, she as it were employments her double-bladed lightsaber. Within the moment, she predicts each move of the player with her Empathic Constrain. And within the last stage, she combines lightsaber, Drive, and overwhelming assaults. Each time the player channels one-third of her well-being, the modern arrangement starts, and she assaults with more grounded aptitudes.

Tips & Tricks for Killing the Jedi Survivor Ninth Sister Fight


Unlock the Lurching Strike and Sprint Strike abilities for the Single Lightsaber Form. These skills allow Cal to execute charged, long-reaching attacks that prove highly effective against the Ninth Sister.

It’s crucial to refrain from attacking her when she delves into Cal’s thoughts. When she enters her Empathic Force state, the Ninth Sister becomes impervious to damage. During this phase, Cal’s only option is to parry her basic strikes or evade her charges until her powers wane.

Take note of her movements as she’s relatively slow. Unlike other Inquisitors, the Ninth Sister lacks finesse in combat. Her actions often telegraph her next move, enabling the player to anticipate and counter her attacks effectively.

Final Verdict

The battle against the Ninth Sister in Star Wars Jedi Survivor is a formidable challenge that requires strategic skills and careful planning. This guide has provided comprehensive insights, tips, and strategies to help players confront and defeat this imposing enemy. As you embark on your journey through the Star Wars universe, the knowledge shared in this guide will be your key to overcoming the Ninth Sister and emerging victorious in Jedi Survivor.

Suggested Read: Jedi Survivor Databank 181 Where to Find?

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Kaab Siddiqui
Kaab Siddiqui

Kaab is a passionate writer, gamer, and anime enthusiast, drawn to the rich storytelling that defines games, anime, and films. This love for immersive narratives has shaped my career and continues to fuel my creative pursuits.

As a gamer, Kaab is captivated by titles like Elden Ring, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Cyberpunk 2077, and Final Fantasy XV, each offering unique worlds and stories that resonate deeply with me. In the anime realm, series like Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, One Piece, and masterpieces from Makoto Shinkai have profoundly influenced my perspective on storytelling.

Beyond my love for games and anime, I channel my creativity as a designer at a creative agency, blending narrative elements with visual design to craft compelling and impactful projects.

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