Shaman King Manga, authored by Hiroyuki Takei, was a manga series serialized in the renowned Weekly Shonen Jump from 1998 to 2004. The narrative centers around Yoh Asakura, a medium bridging the realms of the living and the dead, aspiring to attain the esteemed title of Shaman King. To achieve this, Yoh must participate in the Shaman Fight tournament and emerge victorious against other shamans. As the Shaman King, he gains the power to mold the world according to his vision.
Over the years, Shaman King manga has evolved into a significant success, boasting sales exceeding 35 million copies, inspiring numerous spin-offs, and earning acclaim for its beloved anime adaptation.
With the English translation of the series and its various spin-offs now readily available, coupled with the imminent release of a new anime series, there has never been a more opportune time to explore the world of Shaman King. This guide aims to assist you in embarking on your journey into this classic manga by elucidating the distinctions between its different editions and spin-offs.
What Should I Read First in Shaman King Manga?
Navigating the multitude of prequels, sequels, and spin-offs in the Shaman King franchise may pose a challenge when determining the optimal starting point for reading. My suggestion is to commence with the original series aptly titled “Shaman King.” This series serves as the inaugural manga creation and lays the groundwork from which all other branches originate.
The complete Shaman King series comprises 35 volumes, and you can explore a preview of this series on the Kodansha Comics website.
Where Do I Read Shaman King Manga?
Presently, the most comprehensive method to delve into the entirety of Shaman King is through digital platforms. This format stands as the exclusive space where all components, encompassing spin-offs, prequels, and sequels, have undergone official translation into English.
Initially, Comixology/Amazon held an exclusivity arrangement, restricting the availability of Shaman King manga to that platform. However, as of November 2021, the manga series has expanded its accessibility to other platforms, including Google Play, My Anime List, and Apple Books.
For those who prefer a binge-reading experience akin to Netflix, an option is to subscribe to Comixology Unlimited, though this is exclusively available to individuals in the United States and requires a monthly fee.
Alternatively, if your preference leans towards the tangible experience of reading in print, there are two avenues to explore:
Firstly, you can seek out the Viz Media editions from the 2000s. These copies are readily available on eBay, but there’s a drawback – Viz never completed the English translation of Shaman King manga, stopping at only 32 out of 35 volumes.
Fortunately, another option exists for those desiring the printed format. Kodansha has undertaken the collection of the manga series in extensive 3-in-1 omnibus editions. These 600-page editions began their release in February 2021 and are anticipated to continue until 2023. As of the most recent update in March 2022, seven editions are already accessible.
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